Marsha (and others):

Your post on the manipulation of fats in ABM reminded me of an article
called "Breastfeeding--the immunological case" reprinted in the most
recent issue of _The Compleat Mother_.  After discussing the numerous
immunological benefits of breastmilk the author goes on to discuss how
formula companies are trying to work on an immunologically alive ABM.  He also
claims a company in the Netherlands is trying to genetically engineer
cows to produce human lactoferrin in their udders.  Scary business IMHO.

For those interested in tracking down the article it is located on pages
19-20 of _The Mother_ and seems to be reprinted from "New Generation
Digest" (not familiar to me).  The author is Jeremy Brock  Reader in
immunology at the Univ. of Glascow.

Have a nice day!

Penny Piercy, LLLL, MOM (Patrick 2 3/4) from Bloomington, IN