I was going to reply to Ruth Sweet about this, but saw
another comment today so maybe there are more LCs
with this experience.

When the selects came out, I ordered a couple and had
a couple nurse-friend-moms "test drive" them...discussed
the idea of variable pumping speed as an aid to getting
MERs, both initially and throughout pumping session;
better supply while pumping.  I think I had 3...two who
had used lactinas previously, and one more familiar
with classic.  All three stated that they felt there was
no advantage and perhaps less suction; in any case they
all wanted their "old" pumps back.  I returned the selects
to the company with my feedback and got response (lack of)
that implied I was isolated in being dissatisfied .

Over the past 15 years as neonatal RN, 8 as parent child clin,
spec and 3 years as LC/pump rental station, I still consider
the classic or Egnell's equivalent the gold standard.--Phyl