        The question for this newbie is: "Which race of honey bees should I
     go with?"  I have used Italians for the past three years, losing them
     each fall and winter and starting again with packages in the spring.
     I live in Dayton, in the Southwestern quadrant of Ohio.  We have (I
     think) a honey flow that runs sporadically from about the end of April
     to the fall flow ending in about mid to late September.  There are
     several periods of dearth during that time.
        Our winters are seldom below 10 degrees (F) for very long and there
     are periodic days when temperatures will get above freezing and the
     bees can fly.  However, the state's winters seem moist.
        Which race, folks, would suit my conditions best?  How does
     Varroa/Trachael/Foulbrood resistance come in to play between the
        If I haven't given enough information, then what should I consider
     in evaluating the races?
     Your thoughts...?
     Mark Egloff
     Dayton, Ohio
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