I appreciate all who posted their "schedules" for infant
stool/urine output - even before the early discharge craze, this type of
schedule seems very helpful to new parents - I would have loved it.  I sat
home very anxious about whether my little one was adequately hydrated, and
I sure wish I'd used cloth diapers that week, since the disposables were so
absorbant I was never sure if they were wet!

however, I do hope no one is really recommending supplementing with
formula. Now that we know that exposure to cow's milk protein can increase
risk for later atopy, wheezing, and diabetes, we should no longer prescribe
cow's milk to any infant unless absolutely necessary.  The recommendation
if output is below that presented as normal should be to contact a health
care provider for evaluation that day.

Julie Graves Moy, M.D., M.P.H.
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P.O. Box 4768
Austin, Texas  78765
512-441-1666 fax