This is so sad, and frightening.  I just don't understand why preople treat
their children like this.  Do they feel no love and caring for their babies?
 Or has this parenting "philosophy" so overrun their good sense that they
don't realize that they are starving their children from love and killing
their impressionable psyches?  What will the results be of this "philosophy"?
 Here we are trying to teach children to love one another and treat each
other love and respect, and these poor children are being treated like this.
 It's bad enough that there are so many horrible things happening to our
children as a result of drug/alcohol abuse, poverty, and a people who simply
don't give a damn, but to have people buying into this type of treatment as a
Holy way of raising children is pathetic.
I don't know to much about God, I don't know if he exists or not as an entity
who wants us to all follow a religion.  But, what I do know about Jesus and
his teachings, and what the basic message of the bible is that we are to
treat our family, friends and those we don't know with love, respect and
common decency.  These children are being treated with none of this.
How sad.  Makes me want to take all those poor children in and show them what
a real mommy and daddy should be.  Loving, caring and always there for their
children, like my hubby and I are for our two children.