I have had two recent experiences with triplets.  They demonstrated several
points:  The determination of the mother to breastfeed is critical to
success.  Mother benefits from household help.  The breasts can (if
physically normal and mom is healthy) do what they are called upon to do.

Case # 1:  A 40 yr.old physician had triplets.  She had a live-in nanny and
stayed home for the 1st 4 months of triplets life before returning to 6 hr
shift at clinic.  Triplets had maybe 2-3 bottles of formula during the entire
1st 4-5 mo life.  She has had a little trouble with plugged ducts and
mastitis, and after babies reached 7-8 mo has complained about milk supply.
 Her method of feeding was Baby A to left breast, Baby B to right, Baby C got
both breasts.  The pattern shifted at each feed so each baby was getting a
fair shake at sufficient intake.  Babies have grown well and been basically
healthy -- a cold around 7 mo. and one needs surgery for hernia.

Case # 2:  34 yr. old at-home mother -- wealthy.  Has round the clock nanny
help -- 3 shifts of nannies (including the nanny used by physician above, so
she's very exper. with triplets.)    She has a busy social life and began
with supplementation and continues to primarily bottle feed.  She will feed
the triplets at breast sev. times a day if it is convenient.  Tends to mostly
feed the trip who is 'good at it.'  Her milk supply is not where it would
need to be to sustain 3 babies due to interruption of supply demand.  She is
aware of advantages of bfg. and while she sort of wishes she could do more,
this is her level of comfort, and she feels good knowing she is giving some
breast milk and babies are sometimes fed at breast.  These babies were only a
6 wk old when I saw them, so no info on their health yet.  One was congested
when I saw them.

Just thought people would be interested in these stories.

Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSE, IBCLC