Hello to Anne A. and Diane W. as well as others I don't know as well.  Finally
decided to jump in instead of just reading everyone else's mail.  I am Sharon
Knorr coming to you from the frozen north (also known as Rochester, NY).  After
many years as a LLL Leader, I certified in 1986 (can't believe its time to take
the exam again) and am presently teaching bf classes at a local hospital as well
as sharing a private practice with Vivian Condello. We are both on the BOD of the
RRBN (Rochester Regional Breastfeeding Network) which recently became a ILCA
affiliate.  The main role of RRBN is to provide education and support for local
health professionals.  Have not been able to attend the ILCA conference for
several years now due to a conflict with our county fair (my daughter and I are
heavily into 4H and county fair is the highlight of the year for most kids).  It
is great to be communicating again with many of the people I have met over the
years but haven't seen for so long.  Anyways, I have the reference for Margery
about "perky breasts".  From  "The Politics of Breastfeeding" by Gabrielle
Palmer, Pandora Press, Chap.3-Traditional Societies...  - "Indeed in Papua New
Guinea there is a dreaded curse that a witch may put on an enemy to make her
breasts stay pert and upright like a young girl's forever."  Used this book for
research for a presentation at a LLL conference several years ago and have
recommended it to everyone ever since.  It is a real eye-opener for any of you
wondering where all these bottles came from in the first place.  Happy New Year!