        I am writing a book dealing with the history of the Copper Range
Company in Michigan. My question is this, short of a list of each building,
site, and ethnic member associated with the company, what would
archaeologists like to see in a history of a mining company? I am focusing
on three themes: business, community life, and technology. Would an
appendice listing archaeological references be helpful, a brief summation
of remaining resources, what? What would archaeologists want historians to
include if given a chance? Here's your oppurtunity to speak before a book
is published.
        Thanks in advance for any input.
  "Motivated primarily by their own inner vision, a desire for riches, and
an unbounded faith in the abundance of nature, they were willing to simply
go out in the field, dig into the earth, and find out what was there"
                                        David Kruase
                        __The Making of a Mining District__
Richard A. Fields
Graduate Student of Industrial Archaeology
Michigan Tech. Univ.
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