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Date:         Mon, 29 Jan 1996 09:24:09 +0000
Reply-To:     Material Culture Study and Methods <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       Material Culture Study and Methods <[log in to unmask]>
From:         Nancy Carlton <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Summer Field Course in Britain
To:           Multiple recipients of list ARTIFACT <[log in to unmask]>
The University of the West of England in Bristol, England, is
running a field course entitled "Preservation and Change:
British Approaches to Conserving and Managing Historic
Environments".  It is a three week course which will take place
July 6 - 27, 1996, in Bristol.
The course is designed for students and professionals in Historic
Preservation, Architecture, Urban Geography, Urban History,
Archaeology, Urban Planning, and Material Culture.  It will focus
on current philosophies in Britain regarding preservation,
methodologies, and legislation, and will identify and consider
future trends.  The course will also examine the role played by
interpretive documentation and evaluate the various approaches
that can be used to document individual historic buildings, urban
areas and historic landscapes.
Throughout the school, emphasis will be placed on site visits and
practical exercises.  The Bristol region offers many locations
well suited as case studies, including the commercial city and
historic port of Bristol, the Georgian city of Bath, the medieval
city and cathedral of Wells, and the archaeological sites of
Stonehenge and Avebury.
The course fees are 900 pounds sterling (roughly 1400 US
dollars), which includes accommodation, tuition and field trips.
Meals and travel to Bristol are not included in the fees.
For those participants who are currently enroled on undergraduate
or postgraduate programmes of study, three hours of credit will
be awarded by the University of the West of England, which can
then be transferred to their own institution.
For further information and a course syllabus, contact:
Nancy Carlton
University of the West of England, Bristol
Faculty of the Built Environment
Coldharbour Lane
Bristol  BS16 1QY
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
fax:  +44 117 976 3895