Good question, Linda. It makes sense to me that if breasts get floppy from
lactating and breast fullness, then there might be some problem for the guys
experiencing all that engorgement and disgorgement through throughout their
mature lives <g>. Maybe there's cosmetic surgery for this--anyone want to
ask the MD in question? (I know the process is quite different, but it IS an
interesting way to turn this about and look at it a little differently).

Honestly, that doctor's comment about floppy breasts just makes me crazy. As
soon as I finish reading Lactnet I'm going to head for that URL and see just
what the article says. From personal experience, I can tell him that 7+
years of pregnancy/lactating didn't hurt the shape of mine one bit (she says
proudly, then wonders why she's buying into this BIG DEAL about maintaining
perky breasts. Need to go back and reread K. Dettwyler's chapter "Beauty and
the Breast"  in her new book--super chapter).
Leslie Ayre-Jaschke, BEd, IBCLC
Peace River Breastfeeding Clinic
Peace River Alberta, Canada