Dear Judy- I'll e-mail you...folks I go to bed at least to read...but just catch me at
5:30Am...Anyway...about Demerol (pethidine). Professor
Arthur Edelman..Head of neonatolgy in Shaare Zedek Hosp. in Jerusalem once told us that in a
study they did they found that the half life of pethidine in the baby's urine was 62  hours..and
he does not know many cases of Lactation "failure" were due to latching on problems due to
pethidine. Just think 62 hours halflife...another 62 to 25% etc...etc..thats a hell of a lot of much for that "safety window of two hours before for the moms. Perhaps the friendly
pharmicists can comment. AS for cabbage..".objective" is for pure research purposes, I thinks
subjective and observational criteria are all anyone needs in the real world as far as
preventing and treating engourgement.HAPPY NEW YEAR of the perks of living on this
side of the world is being abled to watch the ball going down on new years eve at 7 in the
Sincerely, Toby
Name: Toby Gish R.N.IBCLC
E-mail: Toby Gish <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 31/12/95
Time: 07:04:29 PM

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