Guess what!  There is an actual therapeutic medical use for cigarettes.  They
found that sufferers of ulcerative colitis often had an exacerbation of their
symptoms or their first symptoms after quitting cigarettes. So a link between
cigarettes and ulcerative colitis was found.  A report in the New England
Journal of Medicine (March 94) showed that half the patients treated with
transdermal nicotine patches experienced complete symptom relief.
 Interesting....  But then again, breastfed individuals generally don't get
Crohn's and ulcerative colitis.  Hmmm, another reason to breastfeed.

I can think of very few things we don't advertise on television:  cigarettes,
formula, condoms...that's about it.  Can AK-47s be advertised?  I am
uncomfortable with the ease at which we, as a society, give our children
formulas.  It certainly is not innocuous.  The information is out there
clearly outlining the dangers and risks of using formula.  Using formula,
like choosing to smoke, is a health decision with lifelong implications.
 Mary's right, we need a catchy substitute for "Smoking Without Guilt" that
will eloquently make our point without alienating the fence sitters who need
the information most. Any ideas?

 It's just that equating cigarettes and formula makes people think about
things, I believe, in a more balanced way.  There is so much promotion of
formula--baby clubs, discharge packs, gifts from the pediatricians
office--that we need to bring our enlightened position to the masses.  IMHO,
there are too many new families who believe the formula company propaganda
that there is really no difference between breastmilk and formula.  It's a
lifestyle choice.  "You're going to breastfeed?"  "How nice for you, dear"
 "How quaint."

Okay, so I'm a little frustrated by it all.  I haven't felt like this since I
wanted to discuss brith control with the Pope in 1987.  Off the soapbox.