Hello, everyone! I've been enjoying Lactnet quietly for a few months now so
should introduce myself. I am a half-time clinical nursing instructor in
Manhattan, Kansas (home of the Holiday Bowl Wildcats!!!) and have a private
LC practice. I first certified in 1985 and practiced in the Washington, D.C.
area, and took the exam last summer in Wichita. Would love some tips on
establishing an LC practice in a primarily rural area!!! I have a daughter
15, and a son,11, both of whom were happily breastfed. Hope everyone is
enjoying the holidays. My favorite gift was from my husband--Breastfeeding,
A Biocultural Perspective. Kathy, I love the book!!!!!!!
Now for the SIGH--everyone check out the HomeArts web page (address
http://homearts.com/rb/health/09breaf1.htm). I believe it is from Redbook
magazine. They quote Daniel Weiner, M.D., a plastic surgeon at NY Eye and
Ear Infirmary, describing the breast:"If overinflated due to weight gain or
pregnancy, it will resemble a deflated balloon once the fat and enlarged
ducts are gone."  The article (no author given on web page) goes on to say
"As for breast-feeding, yoou won't necessarily save your figure by opting
for bottlefeeding. So wear a good nursing bra, even at night, and don't let
breasts become too full.'Express milk if you have to,' advises Dr. Weiner.
'The idea is to keep your breasts as small as possible so you don't stretch
out ligaments and skin.'"  WORDS FAIL ME!!! There is a place on the page to
e-mail your comments, should you wish. Again, sigh.

Mary Alice Phillips, BSN, IBCLC, who is going to find comfort after reading
the above in K. Dettwyler's great book instead.