Hi all:

My buttons just got pushed...while reading through my digests (the most fun
part of the day!), I just finished two, back to back, asking for references
for Drs. who have come up with ridiculous ideas (i.e. washing baby's mouth
germs off of nipples & rice cereal helping babies to sleep) and *we* are
supposed to correct them.  Why is the burden of proof so often in this
direction?  Both of these questions include an attitude that brfding is
inadequate (downright un-hygenic!) or otherwise suspect.

If any of you have such references, I hope you post them and that someone
socks it to these docs.  Otherwise, why don't the moms ask the docs for
support of such advice?

Oh....I'm so tired that they still don't have a clue.

Sorry...climbing down.....Nancy