In a message dated 95-12-27 19:34:29 EST, Johnathan writes:

>I am surprised you were given a shot of demerol.  In the states, it gave way
>spinal anesthesia some 30 years ago.  Was there a medical reason why you
>couldn't be given an epidural or spinal?

I'm sorry to disappoint, but in the 8 years I've lived in this 100,000
Central CA community they have never used Epidurals, spinals are almost
always reserved for C-Secs and the standard fare is Stadol/demerol/nubane
(depending on which doc is around).  ITNs are now being offered (dare I say
pushed?) to mothers who have insurance....Medical patients have no such luck.
 Before we moved here, the hospital I worked at in CO was even worse....
