Jan , I think that you posted eloquently regarding mothering instincts, and
I agree with you 110%.

As for the mother who is furious with you re: Diflucan...I think it is the
BANANAS. not the medication. I have never heard of this reaction to
Diflucan, although I am no drug expert. I have heard of babies being
allergic to bananas,,...and bananas have lots and lots of pesticides on them.

This is fact. I don't see why she has to pump and dump>?

Don't worry Jan. Everyone has these days...where someone is trying to find a
cheap and fast fix to a nasty situation, and the LC takes it on the chin
cause she is the scapegoat available.

You are fabulous. Kathleen
Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Co-Owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L E-mail lists
LACTNET WWW site: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html
Remember: Jesus was a  breastfeed ( on cue.) child.....!!
Happy Holidays and Warm Wishes to you from the Bruces!