Thanks to all you lactnetters for your info on hair loss!  I got more than I
thought I would get.  I do have another problem.  I work with some great
pediatricians at our hospital but I have one who will not support breastfeeding.
If the mother is having a problem with the baby not having  many stools  or the
baby is not latching on well She announces to the mother" you don't have any
milk any way so give the baby a bottle."  Some of our mothers are very young and
nervous about breastfeeding  so this can't but  make it more difficult for them.
I tried talking to her but she turns a deaf ear.  I have sent her information on
breastfeeding also .   My unit Manager wants me to talk to the O..B. that
recommends the Peds to follow the babies after delivery and request that He
recommend only the bottle-feeders to her.  Would this be ethically right?  I
want to do something pretty soon.
 Thanks again,
Mary Ann Brehmer,RN IBCLC