for the mom going to Haiti - last year (last time i checked) travellers to
Haiti were recommended to take malaria prophyllaxis such as chloroquine,
which I don't think is compatible with breastfeeding - so pump and dump is
preferable, but..  I think it must be taken before, during ,and after the
trip - she should check with her family doc and/or with the CDC
( - it may not be advisable for nursing moms to travel
electively to Haiti at all

on the milk collection - a cousin of mine taped a plastic milk storage bag
to her "opposite breast" which then leaked and filled the bag, like your
client seems to be doing.  She froze the milk and gave it to the baby later
- said it worked great for her for over six months.  hope this helps

Julie Graves Moy, M.D., M.P.H.
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P.O. Box 4768
Austin, Texas  78765
512-441-1666 fax