
Yesterday's "Dear Abby" advice column in the newspaper included a letter
about peanut allergies. The letter writers, grandparents of 2 children
"fatally allergic to peanuts" end their letter with this statement:
"Obstetricians and pediatricians should warn mothers-to-be to avoid peanut
products while pregnant or nursing." I have never heard of telling pregnant
& breastfeeding women to avoid peanuts (unless they are allergic, of
course). Is this right?

Kate Pennington, LLLL in Newcastle, Maine

PS. Two days ago, Abby's sister Ann Landers advised parents who want their
four-year-old to stop sleeping in their bed (where she's been since baby
brother's arrival five months earlier) to "Buy her a big Teddy bear and let
her scream." I wrote to her explaining why I thought that was a cruel
answer. If you would like to write but didn't see the column, e-mail me and
I'll send you a copy. [log in to unmask]