I'm Mary Ann Brehmer, a RN IBCLC working as lactation consultant at Macomb
Hospital.  For over twenty-five years I have been active working with Mothers in
the labor-delivery, nursery and post-partum areas, became board certified three
years ago.  I have eight children all of which I breast fed for some period of
time.  I now have 17 grandchildren (keeps changing) the later have been very
successfully breastfed.   I am the first lactation consultant  the hospital has
had, in fact the position is still listed as part-time and conditional.  The
biggest challenge has been alternate feeding methods but I feel good as more and
more of the staff accept the concept of no bottles for breastfeeding babies. My
goal is a "baby friendly hospital" but the current economic climate seems to
have all their attention.  I will keep up my quest.  I am currently overwhelmed
at the amount of info that is being exchanged through this marvelous net, hope I
can keep up with both the mail and the computer.  Sincerely, Mary Ann