Dr. Hale,
I read a reference in Ruth Lawrence's book that a dose of exilir of benedryl
(diphenhydramine) can be used for colicky babies. She recommends  1 tsp
(5cc). initially and every 4 hours as needed. In the US, benedryl exilir is
usually 12.5 mg/5cc.  And says that it works best *if given 30 minutes before
the anticipated colic begins.* (pg 270)
Of course this is a medical decision and I would never recommend it without a
physicians order. However, physicians often prescribe other colic medications
that have opiod components and I have always been hesitant for mothers to use
What is the safety and efficacy of diphenhydramine in young babies? How does
it compare to Levsen in terms of side effects and dangers? Also shouldn't the
dose be based on the infant's body weight?
Would you mind sharing your thoughts on this with all of us here on Lactnet?
Thanks Marie Davis