Forwarded message:
Subj:    Sue Huml
Date:    95-12-07 17:53:42 EST
From:    KatCatLC
To:      [log in to unmask]

Hi Sue from Kathe Catone in California!!  How fun to visit you this way!
 Just real quick as I'm on my way out, but I think the reference you're
looking for is a quote from the state of Florida when they initiated their
breastfeeding legislation.  James Akre sent me a copy of a newspaper article,
and mentioned that quote in a letter a couple years ago.
I don't have time to hunt it down right now, but I'll try to find it later.
 It might be faster to email Mr. Akre, or maybe the CBI can locate it with
the Florida reference.  Hope that helps.  I know Mr. Akre said he was
planning to write and ask them how they came up with that figure because they
didn't explain that in the news article.  Hope this helps.  The only figure I
know prior to that one is the 400+ million annually spent on formula as
reported in the USDA report in 1989.  When you find all your facts, please
share them!  It's beginning to get a bit chilly like fall here finally.  I
had to turn the heat on for the first time today as it was 60 F inside about
Noon. LLLove -  Kathe Catone