I am a WIC Breastfeeding Coordinator, nutrition counselor too.  I rountinely
use the term artificial baby milk or processed infant feeding product, or
artificial processed baby milk product with pregnant women or with woman who
are supplementing for reasons other than educated choice or problem with the
infant.  I don't routinely use the term when counseling a woman who has
already delivered and is bottlefeeding.  I try not to use the word formula,
but instead calll the stuff by it's brand name.  Nobody has ever said
anything about it or not known what I meant by the terms I use for the other
stuff.  There are enough other staff in my agency that refuse to comply with
my request to use the term artificial baby milk so the participants here the
word formula enough!  If a use the term artificial processed infant feeding
product and if by chance someone doesn't know what I mean (but they do) I
would just add such as E-----l or Pr------e to make it very clear.

About giving all the free WIC formula.... I couln't agree more with K.B., but
it's definately out of our hands.  Some WIC programs are beginning to
destribute pumps, some hand and some electric to selected moms, but our
agency is behind in that area.  The government also gave more money in order
to give the incentive of the enhanced breastfeeding food package, containing
4 cans of tuna, 2 lbs. carrots, extra juice, extra peanut butter, extra
cheese, to any WIC breastfeeding mom who agrees not to take formula from WIC.
 It's somewhat of a start at least.