In regards to using cabbage for things other than engorgement, I'd like to
get my story in.  A year ago I bruised both knees badly - the trauma they
sustained seemed equal, so I thought I would run my own informal testing.  I
measured both knees, marking spots above, mid, and below.  Then I applied an
ace bandage and ice to one knee, green cabbage and an ace to the other.  Each
time I changed the cabbage leaves, I also removed the other ace bandage and
put on a fresh ice pack for a short time.

When I took comparison measurements ten hours later, I found that in
totalling the measurements, that the knee with green cabbage when down 8 X
more than the knee treated by "more conventional methods".  It certainly felt
better - less stiff, and although I still had pain from the bruising, the
reduction of the edema made it more comfortable.

I find this is a good reference for mothers - and doctors/nurses/anyone else
who questions this "new" form of treatment.  Even my mother was convinced -
now she uses it when her knees are swollen.