Someone asked what the Anita Baker video is...
I posted a phone number for those who wanted to obtain the video, but
neglected to give a brief description....
Anita Baker and Maryland WIC produced this video; the opening scenes show
Anita Baker singing "Giving you the best that I've got". Scenes of Anita
talking about how wonderful it was to breastfeed her son are interspersed
with WIC breastfeeding counselors talking about Breast is best: being
prepared for difficulties, taking the time to breastfeed and nurture their
babies, showing how easy it is to breastfeed away from home, etc.   In my
opinion, this video appeals to the WIC audience in ways that other videos do
not.  I can stop the video as necessary to make my own comments, since some
of the statements made need clarification. I use the video in the prenatal
breastfeeding class bec. benefits of breastfeeding are clearly outlined and
the spokeswomen come across as genuine.
Please e mail me if you would like more information
Pearl Shifer, M.Ed., IBCLC
Breastfeeding Coordinator, WIC program in NYC
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