Yanet:  It would be helpful to know a lot more about this woman's
situation.  First of all, how old is she?  Is there a family history of
early heart attacks, and if so at what age and were the affected family
members male or female?  Does she have any other risk factors for heart
disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking?  Depending on the
answers to all these questions, one could better assess what risk she
would incur if she were to breastfeed.  We must remember that the onset
of heart disease occurs after years of high cholesterol (obviously the
time frame is shorter when the levels are as high as in this lady, but
one still must wonder how much damage could be done to her coronary
arteries in 4-6 months, especially since the HDL fraction which is
protective of the heart is elevated during breastfeeding).  As for the
medications, Propranolol is the closest I can come to what you typed, and
that's a beta-blocker used for high blood pressure and/or angina.  If
this is one of her meds, it may be that she already has cardiac disease,
but propranolol is not known to help with cholesterol (in fact, it has
been shown to increase it).  The other medication doesn't ring a bell.
Could you find out the generic or chemical name?  Good luck, Alicia.
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