In reply to Kathy Dettwyler's post regarding "growth charts
          for preemies", the following information may be helpful. In
          the just-published WHO Expert Committee report on "Physical
          status: the use and interpretation of anthropometry", the
          sex-specific, single/twins curve developed by Williams et
          al. (1982) is recommended for use in measuring birth
          weight-for-gestational age among *all* infants, i.e.
          children less than 12 months of age. The 10th percentile of
          the curve should be used for classifying small for
          gestational age. The 3 figures in question--birth weight
          percentiles and perinatal mortality rates (per 1000) for
          single female, single male, and multiple births--are
          provided on pp. 146, 147 and 148, respectively, of the
          report, which is No. 854 in the WHO Technical Report Series,
          Geneva, World Health Organization, 1995 (452 pages).

          Jim Akre, Nutrition unit, WHO, Geneva