For those of you who have read this, you may skip and delete this.(pertains
to the changes made re: postings..from employees of corporations, etc.)  For
those who have joined Lactnet in the past few days, this is the new amended
WELCOME message. Please save this, as it supercedes the one you got when you
subscribed within the past few days. Some additions have been added. Thanks.

Welcome to Lactnet!  SAVE AND READ THIS MESSAGE. It will not be repeated..

*************************************IMPORTANT LISTSERV
THere are two addresses to this and any other listserv.

One is the COMPUTER address, where you mail commands like SUBSCRIBE
LACTNET,...this address  is:
                        [log in to unmask]

The second is the PEOPLE address where you mail notes to all recipients of
LACTNET..this is:
                        [log in to unmask]

Your first note to LACTNET must  be an introduction..and should go directly
to the [log in to unmask] with all subsequent notes to
the PEOPLE of Lactnet. ([log in to unmask]).
LACTNET is an  informational discussion group for lactation consultants and
others  interested in lactation consulting and breastfeeding.  You have now
been added to LACTNET, and you should soon begin to receive compact digest
groups of messages from the UMMED computer. All subscribers are immediatley
set to DIGEST.  If you want to receive INDIVIDUAL messages, please be aware
that your mailbox may FILL up RAPIDLY.  Our traffic is around 100  messages
per day.  To change to Individual mail mode (ie, you get each message
separately) ,  write to
[log in to unmask]
No subject needs to be given.  The message should read :
                                     SET LACTNET MAIL

You are joining  many people on Lactnet who come from  all walks of life,
IBCLCs, MDS, RNS, LLL, RD's, social scientists, WIC, Pharmacists,etc.
BEFORE YOU POST ANY NOTE TO LACTNET, it is YOUR responsibility to  READ the
following note, along with the computer-generated message regarding the
HOW-TO's of LISTSERV operation.

The LACTNET list is considered a "marketplace of ideas" and is aimed at
the FREE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION. The information posted by all subscribers
to LACTNET is neither verified nor endorsed by the co-owners of the list,
nor is it
monitored for accuracy.

All Company representatives (defined as persons who are paid a salary by
that company) who are subscribed to LACTNET must identify themselves as such
with every post.
If you are signing on to Lactnet, or are already on Lactnet, and are a PAID
REPRESENTATIVE of any company--ESPECIALLY those of any  industry associated
with lactation, breast pumps, related equipment,  or artificial baby milk
production/pharamaceutical company--you may NOT post notes to LACTNET
without first identifying yourself as an employee of that company. This
applies to EVERY note you post on LACTNET              For example:

"Jane Doe here, and I work for Medela.. or Playtex, ..or Egnell..or
NewBabyMilk Company. My opinion of this issue is blah blah blah..."

                                                        ****PLEASE NOTE*****
Penalty for failure to identify your Business affiliation is permanent

Please refrain from the injudicious use of  brand names. In many cases,
using a generic term,
such as  such as cylinder pump, bottle liner, rubber/silicone teat or
pacifier/dummy, semi-electric breast pump, fully automatic intermittent
electric breast pump, etc. should suffice to get your point across. If you
wish to discuss or obtain specific information about particular products,
you are encouraged to USE PRIVATE EMAIL to do so whenever possible.

Please remember that companies may have unidentified representatives on LACTNET
listening in to see what LCs et al are saying about their products. If you
MUST mention a product by name, identify the information you are sharing as
rumor, clinical experience, hearsay, study finding (with reference) when
you share that information. Be aware that sharing unfounded information may
give companies cause to take legal action against   ***YOU***.

LACTNET subscribers with concerns or questions about the above information
should direct their concerns/questions/comments to KB ([log in to unmask])
or KGA ([log in to unmask]).

                                NETIQUETTE RULES FOR LACTNET
These rules are taken seriously by the list owners, and any posts that break
these rules
are grounds for immediate termination of Lactnet subscription.   Any
questions or comments can be sent to Kathleen B. Bruce BSN, IBCLC
([log in to unmask])  or Kathleen G. Auerbach, Ph.D, IBCLC ([log in to unmask]).
 We thank you for your participation, and look forward to meeting you all on
the LACTNET!. If you want to check out our WWW page, check out this address:

LACTNET is an  informational discussion group for lactation consultants and
others  interested in lactation consulting and breastfeeding.  You have now
been added to LACTNET, and you should soon begin to receive compact digest
groups of messages from the UMMED computer. All subscribers are immediatley
set to DIGEST.  If you want to receive INDIVIDUAL messages, please be aware
that your mailbox may FILL up RAPIDLY.  Our traffic is around 100  messages
per day.  To change to Individual mail mode (ie, you get each message
separately) ,  write to
[log in to unmask]
No subject needs to be given.  The message should read :

                                     SET LACTNET MAIL

PURPOSE OF LACTNET: For Lactation Consultants and others who assist
breastfeeding mothers and their babies and/or who promote breastfeeding  to
share concerns, information, hints for helping mothers and babies.

EXPLODER LISTS: Do not use software to Explode LACTNET list  to other
people. Exploder lists are not allowed here... DO NOT PRINT OFF LACTNET
MESSAGES to distribute or publish elsewhere without the EXPRESS permission
of the author.

CONFERENCE POSTING: Not allowed on Lactnet, please.

REMEMBER: What you write should be something that you would be willing to
see printed on the FRONT PAGE OF THE  NY TIMES. If you mention a client's or
a colleague's name, please get permission from them in advance. DO NOT post
addresses and phone numbers publically.  Remember that Lactnet, as with
other lists, is completely open to the public.

Please be considerate in your comments. We have people of many countries and
cultures subscribing to Lactnet.  Breastfeeding practices differ from
culture to culture...lactation assistance techniques also differ from person
to person...If you wish to avoid embarassment, antagonism, legal redress,
and similar unpleasantness, BE CAREFUL AND CAUTIOUS about what you say and
about whom/what!

Naming names in a derogatory way  is not acceptable on Lactnet.  Neither is
bashing of one group or another...such as doctors, LLLers, ILCA,  WIC personnel,
etc.  Doing so puts  everyone at risk for  SLANDER OR LIBEL suits, even if
the comment made is true.  There has already been legal precedent set in
several  cases involving comments made on the "net". We do not want to be
another example, so please act in an adult fashion.  Comments that are not
appropriate for PUBLIC hearing/reading should be sent by PRIVATE EMAIL. You
are  responsible for your own comments at all times. First time offenders
will receive a written warning privately.  Second time offenders will be
deleted from the list. No exceptions.

PRODUCT/SERVICES: If you have used a product or service (regardless of what
it is) and wish to inform others about it, you may do so, but PLEASE do not
share prices of
obtaining same in public messages on LACTNET. This smacks of SELLING, and
LACTNET is *not* the place for this. Not only is selling not our focus, but to
do so places the person posting such information and the server (in this
case, LACTNET) and the owners  in a  potentially litigious position.  None
of us wants to have to answer to an
irate  attorney and his/her/its client, so please note. Sharing information
is one thing; prices/costs is another.  When discussing the merits of a
product or service, please PREFACE YOUR REMARKS WITH  " IN MY OPINION".
This makes it clear that it is your OWN opinion, and not that of Lactnet
owners, etc...
One example of an acceptable way to show support for given product:

"I really liked   XXX Product/LC TRAINING COURSE/BOOK  because....blah blah..
If you wish information about it, write to [give address for this purpose]."


Occasionally you may see something that someone has posted to LACTNET that
you may wish to share in some other context, such as in hardcopy in a
newsletter, etc.  To do so, please remember that what you post on LACTNET
has the effect of being placed on the front page of the NY Times. This means
you MUST secure written (via e-mail or hard copy) permission of the original
poster of the message in order to share it in some other context.  This is
both polite and enables you to credit the originator of the message.  We,
the co-owners of LACTNET, cannot enforce this, but we expect that you all
will honor this official announcement and recommendation.  Thank you.

a. share concerns about cases, and ask questions. We have a wealth of
knowledge here!
b. share suggestions for solving problems you have encountered
c. support the work efforts of other LCs and related professionals
d. cite references. This is helpful for people who want to look up references.
e. quote MINIMAL amounts from other notes to make your point. EXTENSIVE
QUOTING is boring and repetitive, and takes up space.
f. remember that many subscribers are paying PER MESSAGE, so keep it short
and to the point. It is helpful for those subscribers who pay per email
message to SET LACTNET DIGEST at the [log in to unmask] address.
g. Post NOTES to the WHOLE GROUP to the [log in to unmask] address.
h. SET YOURSELF DIGEST OR NOMAIL if you are going to be away from your mailbox.

a. Bad mouth or bash  other LCs or other professionals, no matter how high
your level of aggravation (this has legal implications for the person making the
statement as well as for LACTNET and all recipients of such a message.
b. Talk up  commercial products by brand name obtainable at a profit to
those who distribute same (this is not an infomercial outlet).
c. Bad mouth commercial products by brand name ( again, this has legal
d. Talk nasty about other groups than your own (once again, see above). If
you feel the need to express negativity, do it though email. REMEMBER,
members of Lactnet come from all places, walks of life, and have different
e. Scan pictures of any size and send to our list. Please do this through
private  email. Large files can cause Lactnet to BOMB, and may cause us to
lose the good graces of our host.
f .Use LACTNET as a resource for mothers needing assistance. LACTNET is NOT
FOR MOTHER TO MOTHER SUPPORT. It IS for LC to LC support, or Nurse to LC
support, or MD to IBCLC  support.etc. If you have clients who need
assistance with bf, and you refer them to LACTNET for help, you risk being
removed from the list. Please feel  free to refer clients needing help to
appropriate local sources.  See our WWW page for more info on this.
g. POST COMPUTER COMMANDS to the [log in to unmask] address. There
are several hundred subscribers who receive every message that is sent...Use
the [log in to unmask] address please ...for commands.
h. Post conference notices or ads on Lactnet

The administrators reserve the right to remove individuals from this list
under extraordinary circumstances. It is difficult to anticipate every
reason why someon might be removed from the lists; in general, behavior
which is substantially disruptive to the list and which is known by the
perpetrator to be inappropriate may lead to removal. An individual who is
removed from the lists will be notified of the removal by administrators. if
he or she wishes to appeal the removal, a poll will be taken of the current
membership of the list.  . If 10% or more of the current membership supports
reinstatement, the individual will be returned to the list.

Due to problems with many accounts, all LACTNET are set to DIGEST
automatically. This means that you will receive LACTNET in compacted form.
This will give you all LACTNET messages lumped in 300 line increments...and
will save you money and us error messages.   Instead of receiving each
message separately, you will receive perhaps 3-10 messages in one message.
If you do NOT wish to have this setting, you may write to
[log in to unmask] with the command SET LACTNET MAIL.  If you do
this, you must be aware that your mailbox may become MEGA full QUICKLY.  If
you have a limited amount of storage space on your system for mail or if you
DO NOT check your email frequently, (daily) you may QUICKLY reach your
capacity.  LACTNET can generate up to 100 messages PER DAY.  A mailbox can
become full after 2 days of unread messages.. , If your  site generates
multiple errors, OR if we receive a FULL MAILBOX signal from your provider,
reduce error message problems. This kind of thing is a real pain for us, and
costs us MONEY to boot. EVERYTIME a message bounces out of YOUR full
mailbox, it lands IN ours. : (   If you do get bumped off because of error
messages,  please feel free to RESUBSCRIBE once your site is functioning WELL

a command to the [log in to unmask] address that says


When you return, send a command SET LACTNET MAIL and your mail will be
resumed .  To resume the DIGEST a SET LACTNET DIGEST command
to listserv.

Any questions, please feel free to contact us. ENJOY!

Yours ,

Kathleen Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC    [log in to unmask]
Kathleen G. Auerbach Ph.D, IBCLC [log in to unmask]

Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Co-Owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L E-mail lists
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.