I have received some wonderfully helpful letters regarding Lactnet.  I share
a piece of this one with you all, to clarify yet further ...

"I'm curious as to how this has come up. IMO, the members of lactnet have
already been quite judicious.

To this I say a resounding YES! My comments were not meant as a slur, or a
negative comment on behaviors here. In fact, I must say that of all the
lists I am on, people here have displayed the utmost in professionalism..and
I am proud to be associated with this group.!!! : ) : )

" I have been on a listserve for OBs, and
they had no problem discussing new drugs, instruments, etc, and sharing
sources when requested. "

We also can discuss the same thing we already have been...drugs, other
equipement, etc..We are just recommending that everyone identify, as they
HAVE been already, that their statements are opinion, fact, research based,
etc. That is all. Just a gentle reminder...

"As lactnet is a public forum for the sharing of
information, I fail to see why a company could possibly sue you (or us)
when experiences are being shared or opinions rendered. "

They can because statements made here can affect a company's
reputation...Anyone can sue anyone...anywhere.It is good to be mindful of this.

I feel that lactnetters and yourself have been more than circumspect, and
I am concerned that if we become *too* generic, that we will lose
valuable information regarding the usefulness of certain products.

Agreed! We also feel that discussions such as the various drug discussions
are VERY important to continue..and are committed to do so.

"I'd much rather learn from other's experience than be forced to reinvent the
wheel a thousand times!"

Amen to that!!

" And I consider myself intelligent enough to sort
through various perspectives and make judicious use of the info...
Just my thoughts. I appreciate your position, though!"

Thanks for understanding. This is for your protection as well as everyone's,
and it does not just apply to this list. Your comments made elsewhere in
cyberspace may be viewed by many people who have an ax to grind. It is hard
to say.

Well, thanks again for letting me clarify. I hope that you all are having a
pleasant weekend...I am up to my elbows in cookie dough.! : )

Sweetly (the dough that is, : ) )

Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Co-Owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L E-mail lists
LACTNET WWW site: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.