I bought a painting a week or so ago for the room where I do my
consultations.  Not a breastfeeding image, but a painting of irises
which called out to me with its strength.  I also liked the purple
and green feminist colours.  I have been looking for something
suitable for months, and this painting seemed to say it all.

I bought it from the "Not Yet Famous Artists" exhibition, a small
local group of mostly older women who paint watercolours for fun and
social interaction.  When I picked up my painting I met the artist
(age - late thirties) and heard her story.  She had breast cancer in
her twenties and had about half of her breast removed.  She then went
on to have four children who she breastfed for two years each.
During her last pregnancy another lump was detected and removed after
delivery (it turned out to be benign) so she fed her last child with
one breast.  She has never seen a lactation consultant or been in
contact with Nursing Mothers.  She said she "just breastfeeds",
despite being told by her doctors that she would not be able to.

She was very excited to hear where her painting was going.  I was
amazed that this woman's art would call out to me.  What an

Ros Escott   <[log in to unmask]>
Tasmania, Australia