I had so much fun last week at a talk I gave on breastfeeding for a group
(about 20) pedi residents and their mentors at a local teaching hospital.  I
followed Tom Hale's advice (posted a while back) and talked about the
biochem. of human milk as an introduction.  I used the wonderful slides I got
at ILCA last summer of the microscopic views of formula and human milk -- the
one looking like cement; the later all full of cells. Thanks to the LC who
generated those slides.  I can't recall your name, but the slides were
perfect to illustrate that part of the talk.  I used a few of Kathy
Dettwyler's wry slides of silicone enhanced women, juxtaposed with views of
nursing infants and was able to talk about the confusion over who do breasts
belong to:  daddy or baby?  I showed a bunch of my own slides of current
research (Including Jan Riordan's cost analysis figures) and finished with
some of my pics of damaged nipples, breast abscesses, mastitis etc.  I told
them that pedis often don't see the mother's breasts.  They just hear her
complain.  I wanted them to have a visual image of what she may be enduring.
 I think it successfully made the point that someone must SEE the nursing
couple in order to really understand the dynamics and assess the problems.  I
feel that they understand now what the role of an LC is, and can see how it
might benefit them and their patients to utilize LC services.

The feedback has been good, and I  just want to thank the lactnetters who
contributed to this effort.  This lactnet forum is so useful to me.

Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSE, IBCLC