Friends -
Thank you for your advice and support re my situation with the 35 week
premie.  Imagine my surprise when it was confirmed that 15 cc IS the same as
1/2 oz!  Perhaps the nurse herself calculated incorrectly and thought I had
given the baby too much, when actually I was correct.  I spoke to the
pediatrician this morning and mentioned that I was "confused" by the reaction
of the nurse.  I said that perhaps I was mistaken, but wasn't 15CC the same
as 1/2 oz, because that was how much I gave the baby.  He said that the nurse
must have thought I said 1 oz.  Anyway I hope I have repaired my reputation
with the pediatrician.  Another nurse at the hospital felt I should report
this nurse, but I'm not going to.
To update: the baby had neurological problems and was tranferred two hours
away to our "big" hospital for tests.  I spent the morning on the phone
finding a LLL leader in that area and the name of the LC at the hospital.  I
called the mom with that information as well as info on Ronald McDonald house
and other low cost housing options and a pump rental depot.  She thanked me
for all my help and said she's get back to me in a couple of days.  I feel
that I have served this mother well and she seems happy, so I guess it's
worked out satisfactorily.  Thanks again for your help and support.