Bravo and thanks to Kathe Catone for sharing her wonderful
explanation to moms comparing a heavy, rich and ultimately nigh-
indigestible Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with anything
besides breastmilk. This comparison is something that everyone
can empathize with and understand - who has never overeaten?? -
and yet doesn't put moms on the defensive, as we sometimes do
when we try to get across our point of how baaaaad artificial or
non-human milks are for babies. I've GOT to remember this great
point. Sometimes my breath is quite taken away by a mom who looks
me smack in the eye and says, yes, she knows that breastfeeding
is best, but the baby sleeps so WELL after a bottle of Mater--.
Give me a break! I take a deeeeeeep breath and try again. NOW I
have Kathe's great comparison! From the bottom of my cockles,
thank you. Judy Knopf in Beer Sheva, Israel