There has been much discussion of treatment for breast yeast infections of
late.  I've been following them but not saving all.  It's my understanding
that the doasage for Diflucan is 150mg (?) .  I don't remember if that's a
qd once or qd x days.  Please refresh my memory.
I have a mom with "jungle" nipples from wearing netzi cups since delivery x
3 weeks for "flat" nipples.  She stopped nursing cuz nipples too sore and
ended up with a terrific mastitis, was treated and now has stinging burning
pains from nipples up into breast.  Didn't see myself, but she says no
white spots in baby's mouth.  Her OB/GYN NP is calling me for advice.
E-mail me privately.  TIA

Christine Palmer, RN, CLE, Kaiser SF
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