Hi, Denise! Lotsa luck on this very interesting topic! I had pp
hemorrhage with my 2nd, Hct down to 29, received no IV fluids or
blood, milk came in *faster* than with 1st baby (I think because
I was allowed home earlier with 2nd). I am curious - seems to me
that you would have an awful lot of variables to control for: #
pregnancy, breastfeeding experience, support, epidural and other
labor analgesics/anesthetics, jaundice (and treatment for it),
etc. - and those are just the ones we know about. I LOVE
research, don't you? I mean the good stuff, not the boring me-too
stuff. There is so much still to be learned about lactation in
general that I go wild when I hear of another study on influence
of health care provider on infant feeding method or
characteristics of infant feeding among ____ (fill in the blank).
ARGH. I went bananas when I heard of a local bigshot who got a
quarter of a million dollars to study infant feeding practices
among a certain population segment.
Off the soapbox and drink some nice chamomille tea, Judy. Judy
Knopf in Beer Sheva, Israel