cc: SPANBORD--ASUACAD                     SUB-ARCH--ASUACAD
From: Anita Cohen-Williams
Subject: Problems here at ASU
The ASU system has a backlog of over 5000 messages stuck at its node. If you
have sent a request to the list and have not heard from the listserv yet, this
is why. The techies have promised that all should be cleared up by the
Messages to the list as a whole are coming through fine. It is just that if
you have made any requests like NOMAIL, or DIGEST, and haven't gotten a
confirmation yet, the note is stuck in a cyberspace queue. If you sent a note
to me and I haven't replied yet, the odds are that I did reply, but my note
hasn't gotten through yet. Please be patient. Thanks.
Anita Cohen-Williams; Reference Services; Hayden Library
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ  85287-1006
PHONE: (602) 965-4579              FAX: (602) 965-9169
[log in to unmask]  Owner: HISTARCH, SPANBORD, SUB-ARCH