At the request of Jane Brown, the following is a list of references dealing
with excavation of blacksmith shops/sites received from my query earlier.  A
good portion of these comes from John Light s Guide to Research in the
History of Blacksmithing:
Angela McGowan, Excavations at Lithend, Port Arthur Historic Site, Occasional
Paper No. 11, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hobart, Tasmania, 1985.
Alaric Faulkner and Gretchen Faulkner, The French at Pentagoet 1635-1674,
Special Publications of the New Bruswick Museum and Occasional Publications
in Maine Archaeology, Maine Archaeological Commission.
Alaric Faulkner, Maintenance and Fabrication at Fort Pentagoet 1635-1654:
Products of an Acadian Armorer's Workshop, in: Approaches to Material
Culture: Research for Historical Archaeologists, comp. G.L. Miller, O.R.
Jones, L.A. Ross, and T. Majewski, The Society for Historical Archaeology,
California, Pennsylvania, 1991.
Light, John D. and Henry Unglik, A Frontier Fur Trade Blacksmith Shop,
1796-1812, Studied in Archaeology, Architecture and History, rev. ed.,
National Historic Sites, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1987
Light, John D., John Stewart and Louis Laflhche, Identification of Work Areas
in the Fort St. Joseph Smithy, Research Bulletin, No. 111, National Historic
Sites, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1979
Light, John D., Recycled Files, Research Bulltein, No. 285, National Historic
Sites, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1991
----------------, The Archaeological Investigation of Blacksmith Shops,
Industrial Archaeology, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1984
Light, John D. and William N.T. Wylie, A Guide to Research in the History of
Blacksmithing, Research Bulltein, No. 243, National Historic Sites, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1986
Ortega, Juan B., Blacksmithing Practices, International Cooperation
Administration, Washington, D.C., 1957
Conway, Thor, Point aux Pins Archaeology; Woodland and Historic Components,
Collected Archaeological Papers, Archaeological Research Report 13, ed. David
S. Melvin, Historical Planning and Research Branch, Ontario Ministry of
Culture and Recreation, Toronto, 1980
Ambrose, Mary T., The Myrtle Blacksmith Shop. BaGr-23, Manuscript on file,
Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and Ministry of Culture and
Recreation, Government of Ontario, Toronto, 1985
Barka, Norman F., The Archaeology of Fort Lennox, Ile-Aux-Noix, Quebec, 1964
Season, Manuscript Report Series No. 190, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1977
Chism, James V., Excavations at Lower Fort Garry, 1965-1967: A General
Description of Excavations and Preliminary Discussions, Occasional Papers in
Archaeology and History - No. 5, Canadian Historic Sites, Parks Canada,
Ottawa, 1972
-------------------, Report Interim Relative to Reconstruction of the
Blacksmith Shops at Lower Fort Garry, Manuscript Report Series, No. 11, Parks
Canada, Ottawa, 1968
Harrington, Jean C., Archaeological Excavations at the Webb Blacksmith &
Wagon Shop (127-4), Nauvoo, Illinois, 1967-1968, Manuscript on file, Nauvoo
Restoration, Inc., Nauvoo, Illinois, March 1969
Kidd, Kenneth E., The Excavation of St. Marie I, University of Toronto Press,
Canada, 1949
Korvemaker, E. Frank, Archaeological Excavations at the Roma Site, Brundell
Point, P.E.I., 1968-1970, Manuscript Report Series No. 442, Parks Canada,
Ottawa, 1980
Miller, George L., A Report on the Artifacts from the Edwin Webb Blacksmiths
Shop, Manuscript on file, Nauvoo Restoration, Inc., Nauvoo, Illinois, n.d.
Ritchie, Clarence F., Jones Falls Blacksmith Shop: Preliminary Artifact
Analysis, Miscellaneous Archaeological Reports, Ontario Region, 1978-1981,
Microfiche Report Series 18, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1983
Stark, Harley, Archaeological Research at Jones Falls Lockstation, Rideau
Canal, 1978, Miscellaneous Archaeological Reports, Ontario Region, 1978-1981,
Microfiche Report Series 18, Parks Canada, Ottawa, 1983
Warrack, Mark, Historic Naval and Military Establishments, 1817-1856,
Archaeological Report, 1974 and Archaeological Report, 1978-1979, Manuscripts
on file, Huronia Historical Parks, Midland, Ontario, Canada, n.d.
Lenik, Edward J., Excavations at Charlotteburg Middle Forge, Bulletin of the
Archaeological Society of New Jersey, Spring/Summer, 1974
Ross, Lester A., Bryn Thomas, Charles H. Hibbs and Caroline D. Carley, Fort
Vancouver Excavations - X: Southeast Fort Area, U.S. Department of the
Interior, National Park Service, Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, 1975
McDonnel, Gerry, Tap Slags and Hearth Bottoms, or How to Identify Slags,
Current Archaeology, No. 86, Vol. VIII, No. 3, March 1983
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