Have the (UK) Channel Four series 'Time Team' been sold abroad yet?
There have been three or four series to date.  Each programme starts
with a 'from-the-public' question such as 'why is my back garden this
shape', 'where did King Alfred live round here' or 'what are those
lumps'.  (Occasionally, the 'public' has been an archaeological
The 'team' includes archaeologists and historians, who use a wide
range of techniques.  Landscapes, sites, monuments and buildings from the
prehistoric up to the recent have been covered.  As is usual with
archaeological projects, there is a lot of time spent puzzling over
inconclusive and contradictory evidence, and never enough time to
do everything.
The programme is presented by Tony Robinson (Baldrick from Blackadder)
who is very good at asking 'so how does this gadget work', 'so what
does that mean' and generally conveying the excitement of finding
a hazelnut (yes, really, Tony Robinson made finding a hazelnut _exciting_).
Pat Reynolds
Keeper of Social History, Buckinghamshire County Museum / Freelance Curator
16 Gibsons Green
MK13 7NH