Apologies to the list but I've deleted Pauls original post and don't know
how else to get this to him.
Address below in case you get a chance to drop by for ice cream(maple syrup
or honey topping---your choice).
I just have the one hive of Buckfast I purchased from Langes Honey Skep in
Mount Vernon
>    In regards to wraps, it is not necessary to have them here in the
>    BC/Wash  coastal areas but then the main problem here with wintering is
>    inadequate ventilation with the result of moisture build up in the
>    colonies.  I have seen over the years plenty of colonies 5that died
>    only because they could not expel enough moisture.  Wet and cold, and
>    the poor bees will be shivering all winter.
Now you've really got me worried. I've been finding half a dozen little
shrunken dead bees on the entrance pad every week and I've seen no activity
lately even on those days the temp rises above 50(which, up until now, has
been quite often). Mind you, these bees have never flown in the rain...even
in the summer. Lacking a warm day with everybody out picking up pollen, I've
hesitated to open it up and look.
Pick the next warm day and c'mon over and we'll take a look.
I need to put a patty in between the two brood chambers anyway
and...uh...when should I remove the strips...Jan 1? I thought someone said
they should be in for 41 days only.
I've got the hive sitting under a couple of large cedars but its been VERY
wet as you know. I draped a blue tarp somewhat loosely over the hive but I'm
still worried its too wet(possibly i've exacerbated the problem...causing
moisture to be retained in the hive---we got our first freeze today or I'd
check it now...come to think of it I will remove the tarp today!) Perhaps I
should tilt up the North end of the hive so that no water can collect under
the bees.
...Stuart Grant
1834 Cliff Rd(you used to be able to turn left at Roosevelt but now(since
PACE implementation) you have to go all the way down Tyee{56th} to Benson,
left on Benson to Mill, all the way back up to the border{Cliff runs
parallel to Roosevelt and one block south of it)
Point Roberts, WA
1-360-945-0654(our bees don't pay GST)