To any diptera or hymenoptera systematists out there:
I was playing around with my new GUI account (whoa-- and I thought the
internet was fun _before_ I could see the graphics 8-) looking for an
image of a calliphorid (found one elsewhere) and came across the following
which is labelled as showing various diptera.  For those of you with
browsers who'd care to take a look, am I mistaken or is that not a
honeybee pupa shown on the left immediately below the close-up frontal
view of a (muscid?) fly face?  Looks an awful lot like the drawings I've
done myself of bee pupae except that the cocoon is awfully prominent--
maybe it's supposed to be a cut-away view of a dipteran puparium but that
sure looks a lot like the subject has a propodeum-- which would rule it
out as a dipteran.  Maybe "Lar of the Flies" or someone would like to take a
BTW if it were a honeybee the natural orientation of the pupa is with the
ventral side up (back resting against the "floor" of its cell).
Merry Xmas from Manti Claws,
         '\  /`
           \/\                      Conrad Berube
  ____  /`\  \\                     ISLAND CROP MANAGEMENT
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 `    /`   `'  \`-===========/~~\   Victoria, B.C. V8S 1C7
      \         \ -^\ /\____/^^^~>  (604)480-0223; fax: (604)656-8922
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