Hello Sid, I was very interested in your article and as a relative new comer
I would be grateful if you could advice me as to where I could get some eggs
or queens in early 96. The stocks I have are agressive and a couple are from
Ken Black
Bay Tree Cottage, Fritwell, Bicester, Oxon OX6 9QF
At 18:38 03/12/95 GMT, you wrote:
>As a new arrival to the Internet I have followed recent letters on
>supersedure and swarming with interest.  It would appear that some
>beekeepers have succeeded in producing a strain which supersedes whilst the
>queen  is still strong and the stock productive. In a beekeeping career
>(non-commercial) which started in 1930 ( I am now wearing out ) I, like many
>beginners, started with a swarm.  I  progressed from bees which swarmed
>regularly to non-swarming strains by selective breeding.  I had dreams of
>bees which would regulate themselves.  What I found was that in almost every
>case the stock dropped below the productivity level before the bees
>attempted to supersede.  During experiments I allowed stocks to carry their
>queens to three, four  and even five years  before they decided to
>supersede.  Some left it too late, ending up with a drone layer or the queen
>dying during a non-laying period.  It soon became obvious that having got
>rid of swarming it was essential to requeen regularly, usually the second or
>third year. Whether it is lack of luck or lack of skill I cannot persuade my
>bees to look after themselves.
>Many are finding swarming a problem.  It certainly is, especially where
>neighbours are concerned.  Unfortunately too many start their beekeeping
>career, for economic reasons, with a swarm and then proceed to increase with
>swarm cells.  Swarm queens are usually first class  and it is a simple
>method.  Such bees are programmed to swarm annually and no matter how much
>brood and super space you give them they will want to swarm.  Today we are
>in control and swarming, once essential for survival, is now an anachronism
>but try telling the bees that.  Luckily the urge to swarm varies widely and
>by careful selection of mother queens it is possible to reduce swarming to a
>very low level in a matter of five years.  You must first find a stock which
>has not swarmed in at least three years.  You then have something to work
>on.  Alternatively go to a beekeeper for eggs or queens who has already
>reached that goal. If you wish for peaceful beekeeping  may I humbly suggest
>to all beginners that  you never, never use queens from swarm cells to stock
>your hives.                                                           S H P
>Sid Pullinger                    Email :  [log in to unmask]
>36, Grange Rd                Compuserve:  [log in to unmask]
>Hants SO24 9HF