     Well, it comes time again for me to ask another question.  The last
     time I ventured to ask a question I received lots of good information.
     Maybe this time as well.  I just wish that I had information and
     experience that I could offer back to all of you.
     For those of you following the WWW there have been some discussion on
     syrup feeding in winter as well.  Several individuals on the Web
     indicate that they provide "candy boards" to their bees in the winter.
     I have read of candy boards and even attempted once to make "fondant"
     candy according to recipes I found in my wife's candy cookbook.  All I
     succeeded in doing was using up 10lbs of sugar and making a thorough
     mess of the kitchen.  The only reason I wasn't banned from the cooking
     area was that I spent a couple hours cleaning sugary crystals off the
     linoleum and waxing up the floor nice and shiny again.
     Give me your thoughts (and recipes and tips) on using candy for
     emergency food.
     (My hives are currently sitting with plenty of honey and look in good
     shape, but the winter is early and, after the last three years of lost
     hives, I want to be ready in case I need to help out.)