Your post is very intriguing. I have four children; the first three never
sucked thumb, pacifier, or anything, and also never had special blankets
or toys that they dragged around. But #4...... started sucking his thumb
early on, and still does at almost 7! I still haven't been able to talk
him out of it. Eric weaned from the breast at age 2 1/2, and just the
past few months has taken a sudden interest in my breasts again, patting,
touching and feeling them on occasion. I told him that they were
"pillows" for him, and he liked that. The only thing I can say that might
be different about him from my first three children is that he was an
unplanned, somewhat "crisis" pregnancy for me, and I had three children
ages 6 and under to contend with at the same time. Not enough breast
opportunity? Possibly. I was worn out! And now I'll never know for sure.

Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC
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