Hope I'm not overstepping the boundaries of good taste here, but I feel as
if so many of you are my friends, and want you to share in my good news.  My
book on my research in Mali, Dancing Skeletons, has just been awarded the
1995 Margaret Mead Award!  Whee!!!!  This is a very prestigious award given
jointly by the American Anthropological Association and the Society for
Applied Anthropology.  The purpose of the award is to honor books/authors
that make anthropology accessible to the public, and with an emphasis on
applied anthropology (using anthropological knowledge and perspectives to
solve real world problems, in this case child malnutrition in Africa).  For
me it means a plaque, $500, and tons of publicity (= more sales, more $$$).
So what did the newly famous anthropologist do after finding out her book
had won this amazing award?  She came home and scrubbed the toilets!  Life
goes on, after all!!

You can read more about Dancing Skeletons (and my other book) at my web page --


Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Specialist in infant feeding and growth of children
Texas A&M University
e-mail to [log in to unmask]
(409) 845-5256
(409) 778-4513