I thought more than once that I should not bother to post on this topic.
My son had no cavities in his mouth until he was 14, but he did end up with
an orthodontist--too much ivory in too small a space.  So we did see
dentists pretty frequently afte rhe got older. He NEVER watned me there
once he was 10 years old. Felt he could handle what was happening--cleaning
and checking only.

After car accident, he wanted me to leave (I refused--needed to be there as
much for myself as for him). Car was totalled; he was, mostly, fine--thank
God for seat belts and shoulder harnesses.

AND, our current dentist and local oral surgeon (to whom I have brought
babies for snipping tongue-ties) both are quite comfortable with parents
staying with children. In fact, the oral surgeon puts a parent in the chair
and has them hold the baby--usually they go to sleep listening and feeling
Dad"s or Mom's heartbeat!  (I go with parents, so have seen this).

We simply need to keep looking and insisting and those horror stories of
children being abused verbally or physically will stop.  I believe wwe also
need to inform those professionals who are sensitive to parents and
children's needs that we really appreciate their practices. This is sure to
get back tot he students who observe in such practices.  And that is likely
to increase the potential for similar practices by future practitioners.

Soap box is now empty!  :-)

Def. of LC service: "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC (Homewood, IL)- [log in to unmask]
WEB PAGE: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html