Thanks for the info on tobacco-funded research.  Some of us have been
trying to get this to be AMA policy for years, with lots of opposition from
the Section on Medical Schools (mostly deans).  One vocal group is DOC
(Doctors Ought to Care) -- its focus is counter-advertising to adolescents
and children about tobacco.  I wonder if their model would be useful to get
the message out about the harms of processed artificial liquid food for
infants (PALFFI??)  ?  They do lots of funny performance-type
"interventions" (they call them house calls) like visits to tennis
tournaments and auto racing etc sponsored by tobacco.  What could be the
equiv for PALFFI manufacturers?  Do the PALFFI makers sponsor any events?
And yes, I think research funding from PALFFI makers should not be accepted.

from an ex-academician who was never all that well funded...

Julie Graves Moy, M.D., M.P.H.
[log in to unmask]
P.O. Box 4768
Austin, Texas  78765
512-441-1666 fax