Just some anecdotal info in regards to this.  Years ago (actually it would be
at least a decade . . .) LLL in Arizona received a call from an Opthamologist
who was looking for fresh breastmilk to treat an eye infection for an elderly
gentleman who for whatever reason could not tolerate antibiotic optic drops.
 The Dr. was willing to submit an Rx . . .

Using breastmilk for early conjuctivitis in babies is something I've seen
mothers do for ages, and heard at least 3 MD's suggest.

One instance was a friend whose family was on vacation in Ca.  Mom called her
Ped, who suggested she just use breastmilk each time the baby nursed until
they got home, and if the condition hadn't cleared up at that point to bring
him in!

: ) Kathe Catone