This is probably not new to anyone, but just in case....  There is increasing
evidence that continuing supply is less dependent on stimulation than on removal
of milk.  Milk seems to contain an 'autocrine inhibitor'.  If one breast becomes
engorged or is used infrequently,, the concentration of the inhibitor will
increase and sends a message to the breast to cut down production.  A bio
feedback mechanism!  Research continues at Hannah Research Institute here in
Scotland.  So, avoiding engorgement is important, and this is how mothers can
feed from one breast only!

You are all probably also aware of recent concerns re peanut allergies.  In UK
it is now suggested that the rise in these allergies seen in recent years may be
due, at least in part, to peanut oils in baby milks, and also in nipple creams.
They are sometimes listed as 'arachis oil' which few mothers here would
recognise as peanut oil.

Mary Broadfoot
National Childbirth Trust Breastfeeding Counsellor
Paisley Scotland