I had a wonderful long weekend with my younger brother
and his two yr old son.  This was the brother who walked
away from a car accident after hitting tree and waking up
upside down.  We were grateful to be together.

The two yr old drank from his bottle a little more often than
he does at home.  He really missed his mommy.  I had the
embarrassing task of trying to prepare a bottle for the first
time in my life.  It was the kind with liner bags.  I placed the
liner inside the bottle shell, pulled the top of the bag over
the edges, saw that it was secure, poured milk into it (2%)
and couldn't get the nipple lid screwed on.  It just didn't fit.
I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.  I finally had
to ask my (little) brother for help.  How humiliating.  I had
the bottle shell upside down when I put the liner on!!  Talk
about feeling incompetent - my teenage daughter wondered
if I should turn in my Lactation Badge.  (And I think I know
my way around feeding tube device!!)

Y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving
Jeanne Fisher, Austin, TX