Lesly, I've seen several babies with they type on tongue you described, I
find it helps to have mom get 2nd opin from ENT or Oral Surgeon or
pedodontist.  Have have some get 3 opin's before they get help.

Anther thought is checking baby's motor skill, etc.  & if you notice anything
questionable, refer the mother to an OT (Occupational Therapist).  I've had 3
clients this year that have needed OT to overcome various probs - all 3 ended
up w/ a tortocollis diagnosis, and had presented w/ FTT, slow gain, poor
suck, etc.  1 Mom weaned after ret/work & a  family crisis, but other 2 are
like miracle stories!

I would like to dialogue with others who have used OT in conjunction to LC,
and gently sharing w/ OT that unlike they've been taught, teaching a baby to
suck a bottle does not teach them to suck at the breast. Any OT or PT college
instructors out there?

Kathe C       KatCatLC